Neighborhood House Early Learning Center provides day care/child care. Partnership with early head start. Ages: Birth through 3 years old. Serves New Castle County.
Age: 6 week to 5 years old. Before and after school care up to 9 years old. 489 Wyoming Road Newark DE 19716.
Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center provides child care. 1018 W 6th St. Wilmington DE 19805 Age: Infant, toddler, preschool and school age children.
Provides child care/daycare. Ages: 6 weeks through 12 years old. ;
5986 Limestone Rd Hockessin, DE 19707 Age: Infant through school age.
Little Einstein’s Preschool provides preparation services for kindergarten readiness. 20371 Sand Hill Rd Georgetown DE 19947. Age: 3-5 year old.
2313 Concord Pike Wilmington DE 19803. Age: Infancy through Teen programs.
114 Hawk Dr. Newark DE 19702 Age: Infancy through 15 years old.
Lynn provides child care and daycare. Ages: Birth through 12 years old. Serves: New Castle County.